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"[3/6] When I was 9 I got used to listening to my mom yell and cry loud in pain day in day out as her feet rot. Then one day when she finally had a peaceful night I lost sleep because I had to walk to her room every 5 minutes to check if she was still breathing because it felt normal her living in pain than being at peace. We were too broke to afford panadol tablets of about 50 UGX by then. At that point parents had forbidden their kids from playing with us because they thought we would infect them with whatever sickness my mom had suffered for over 8 months" (National theatre, Kampala)
"[4/6] We never really had friends apart from my childhood bestfriend and his brother we were too broke that eating off garbage was a luxury and taking unboiled water from a septic tank was no option but it was at this point that my salvation could be born unkowning. Having no friends confinded us in the walls of our house that was dark as early as 7pm and with no one to play with I resorted to telling stories that I narrated to my siblings just so we would stay awake longer till hunger takes us to sleep or we were simply dodging to take a cold shower. We couldn't afford a meal and the 100UGX I got off carrying trash wasn't enough to get something to eat or buy my ill mum who was on her death bed some painkillers. At the age of 8 I became a thug in a gang- I survived mob justice." (National theatre, Kampala)
"[6/6] I was getting started, my teachers felt I was chasing a dream far from reach so how do I hope to be rich chasing the wind? I quit school and shut doors to everyone trying to determine what I can or cant do. In my journey of hard work, I've realized recognition doesn't come easy and neither is it built in one day but rather it's a series of sacrifices made over time with patience, honesty and endurance. I'm not close to where I ever wanted to be but at least am not in a place I never wanted to be either"  (National theatre, Kampala)
" [2/5] I've always loved taking challenges right from my time at school. I remember when I was in Primary one I used to study Primary two work just to challenge myself; when I got to Primary two I was studying Primary three work and so on. Recently I just got done with my diploma in electrical engineering. I've always loved maths and the maths in this course has not been challenging enough - - I think am going to do a, degree then masters then head on to do a PhD in Mathematics. God willing "  (Sharing hall-Nsambya, Kampala)
"[4/5] Faith is a personal journey, Nobody should tell you how to go about it, just guide you . It's a relationship you build with God and just like any kind of relationships; you grow and get to know one another with time. For some people it actually takes a short time to go around; for others it takes a while so it varies from individual. There's no golden rule like if you meet or talk for a certain number of times you're guaranteed friendship. For the bible you can always pick a scripture you like distort it in a way that suits you and leave the rest. That's why we have Catholics, Born agains, Orthodox, Protestants and many more - - For everything a religious person does in their faith of choice, there's always a biblical backing they have for it. Whether it's right or wrong."  (Sharing Hall-Nsambya, Kampala)