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"[1/3] You have to realise who you really are and who you ought to be in life. Many youths these days live their lives without realising what their true purpose is. They tend to go were the wind blows them and so make wrong choices missing out on opportunities that could change their lives. I dont let my challenges define me, but rather I see an opportunity within one. That is why I take opportunities seriously because opportunity hits the doorbell once but temptation leans on the doorbell"  (Kyebando, Kampala)
"[2/2] Growing up they always told us there's only two things in life; Good and evil. But I recently discovered there's actually a third one which is repentance. You can either do good and be loved by everyone in society or do evil and get condemned. So by now you're left with repentance you admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness then get a fresh start- To everyone out there living with guilt in their hearts you can always get a second chance through repentence" (Firebase Barracks-Kamwokya, Kampala)