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"I started working for KCC in 1981 and I had my first born in 1982. At that time they used to pay us UGX10,000 which had alot more value than the 10,000 of today. Before Jeniffer Musisi was brought to Kampala we used to have problems with the people that were supposed to pay us. They used to steal our money and not pay us even after we had worked. But now we are paid on time. Our next step is to ask them to increase on the money they pay us just a little because we do alot of work." (Clock tower, Kampala)
"I remember growing up I always wanted to be either a medical doctor or a school teacher. But when I was around 14 years old. I got a special call which I believe came from God. The call to priesthood. It all begun with my admiration for the priests, their attires, the words they preached during mass. I always visualised myself as a priest. And am glad my family is so supportive to me. Even though a few friends stillI have not joined the seminary yet but I still respect that call so much because I believe that's my purpose in life. I always pray that God counts me among his chosen few. The bible says that 'many are called but few are chosen'. (Wilson Road, Kampala)
"I know kids in our village drop out of school very early. Some don't even finish the primary level of education. Its not only because of poverty, some kids are sturbborn they want money and riches. I have to travel a long way to the cheapest government school around. My mother told me not to give up on education no matter how far I have to travel. My mother sells charcoal and foodstuff. She made me a promise of keeping me in school as long she's alive. She also said I should not be like my father when I grow up- I always wonder what she meant" (Butto-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"My mom said they don't ask a woman her age. I know am not a woman yet but am training myself. Because someday I will have to grow into one" "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "I am not sure yet, Because I want to be a dancer & dance like Sheeba then part of me wants to be a model. I think what I really want to be is a medical doctor" "Why's that?" "Because all these people that I want to be. All need a doctor at one point in their life- I think it's fun if am the one to help them, Don't you agree?"  (Kamuli-Kireka, Wakiso)
"I am so happy you said I have a beautiful smile, Kids at school are so mean they don't even care about what they say. They always make fun of my toothless smile. I used to hit them and cry about it. To my surprise they would laugh even more. I had stopped smiling I would cover my mouth when I laugh.Then I learned not to hit them or cry about it or even say anything back to them and then all of a sudden they stopped. Now today you just told me am beautiful when I smile- I'm proud I will smile even more like I used to"  (Kinawataka-Kireka, Wakiso)