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"I once ran this farm produce joint business with a friend, we were so close my kids called him uncle. I had no idea he would be the same person to bring me so much heart ache. One morning I woke up to an empty store, he had loaded all the stock and disappeared with it. Ever since then, I have never heard from him. I called his phone numbers but they were all switched off. It was not long my wife also left even though she did not leave immediately, my guts tell me she ran off with my friend leaving me with four kids- That bastard is the reason I now ride a boda-boda to support my kids back in the village" (Namboole Stadium-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"What is the hardest part of being a security guard?" "The nights are so long, quiet and cold I wish I had someone to talk to, it helps kill the boredom I used to have Warid mega bonus free calls, I would call almost the whole village back at home just to take me through the night with their random conversations but now the service was terminated now all I do is listen to radio which plays so much luganda music" I was walking away when called me back and said 'Ssebo! 'How much is that camera?' It takes good pictures. I want to buy one like that and start a photo studio some day. (Kasokoso-Kireka, Wakiso)
"I dropped out of school & started rearing animals and growing crops. Today I'm able support my family and pay school fees for my siblings- I don't want them to drop out too" "Now that you have an income source, Why don't you go back to school?" "That means I will drop out again due to insufficient funds, because with farming there are no miracles what you put in is what you harvest. When I start schooling my input shall be reduced, it's better I let my siblings study on my behalf"  (Kirinya-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"Weed is a drug, Weed is not bad its rather the people that use it. I can't imagine life without weed. It is one of God's greatest creations among plants. I wonder how the non-weed smokers handle life- I was sober for a day but I almost died" "What do you smoke weed for?" "Weed is a tool to me I don't use it against people but rather to accomplish tasks. Most of the work I do is physical, so weed powers me up. Its the reason most of my friends are off for lunch break and am still working as good as new" (Bombe-Kirinya, Wakiso)
"I'm studying Bio-Medical Engineering at Makerere University, Kampala" "Why did you choose to study Bio-Medical Engineering?" "Well, First of all Bio-Medical Engineering is basically about relating technology and human health. I chose this course because I figured there is a scarcity of Bio-Medical Engineers in Uganda, Like donors and investors bring up these high tech machines in the country and donate some to the different hospitals but they end up being unused and hence not helpful due to the lack of people with the technical know-how to operate them. When I graduate I shall be able to offer maintenance, diagnosis and run the machines" (Namboole Stadium-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"What keeps me going, What keeps me pushing this thing every morning is the fact that I have set myself goals, goals that I need to accomplish. I believe in life if you don't have goals, you're as good as dead because you have no reason to live" "What are some of your goals then?" "By December this year I shall be opening up a video library, I already purchased the necessary equipment. I'm just waiting for one of my old school friends to come and start operating it during his school holidays"  (Namboole-Kirinya, Wakiso)
"I went to Kitante, I was among those playful kids the type that loved to play soccer all the time. I had little time for my books. I remember during my final high school exams all I prayed for was to atleast get 15 points and below because I knew for a fact that there was no way a person like me could raise 25 points and thats exactly what happened. When results came out I had scored 24 points, I was more than surprised- Today I'm government sponsorship at Makerere University Business School doing Accounting and Finance" (Bweyogerere, Wakiso)