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"I'm trying to change the society I live in, I'm working with the kids on the street by helping them realise their talents" "What is your biggest struggle?" "It's the dreadlocks on my head, some people do understand that it's just a hair style then the rest who are still in the past like my family can't even stand seeing me with this head gear they think rasta men are thugs, do drugs- I am not even a rastafarian, its a big tribe that I don't belong to. I just have dreadlocks on my head and that's my similarity with them"  (Makerere, Kampala)
"I wish I could just see my parents for a few minutes that would be enough. I stay with my uncle. I don't know my parents but he tells me they're still alive. Then I ask myself why they wouldn't want to live with me, why they left me all alone to suffer and why can't he show them to me" "Who pays your school fees?" "Myself! "I'm a taxi conductor. I work on Saturdays and Sundays by Monday am so exhausted so I stay home till Tuesday- All my uncle provides is shelter the rest is up to me"  (Namboole, Wakiso)