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"Kampala is the most tricky city I have lived, from the taxis to the boda bodas on the street. Everything is possible here, but the challenge is more about learning not to be put off by how cool the city looks" "What have you learnt in Kampala so far?" "People who look the coolest are the most conservative and those that look normal turnout to be the more interesting ones, Always keep your eye out for the men in yellow shirts and black trousers" "What kind of people do you think you fall in?" "The Street kids" (Centenary park, Kampala)
"My parents died when I was a toddler and that was the beginning of our mix up we stayed in Sese Islands by then, I was brought up by a guardian who said my siblings were also taken up by someone else. He passed on when I was just a teenager. At the moment I'm alone in this world with no known family relatives. I have no idea where my siblings are, that's if they are not even dead. If they are living then that's great even though I cannot recognise them" "What is your biggest struggle?" "I am trying to start my own family more like a clan lineage from scratch- I have two lovely baby boys so far"  (Namboole-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"I'm a soldier and at the same time studying Law. The hardest thing about Law is there's a lot of material and books to refer to, but I think it is really important to be a soldier with a legal background. It helps you know what is supposed to be done on the battlefield as a soldier, your rights and then the rights of the other people involved like Women, Children" "What is your biggest goal?" "I want to become a prominent lawyer, So that I can provide legal advice to my fellow soldiers and the women out there"  (Bombo, Luweero)