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"You know in working with gold we use mercury, sometimes we use alot and we just touch with our naked hands. I remember when I was pregnant with my son I still used to use the mercury without any protection, sometimes even with utensils like spoons to burn the gold, or even using my basin. Here we didn't know how dangerous mercury is until an NGO working on a community project came and sensitised us, it is when I realised that all those years of using mercury even when I was pregnant may actually be the cause of the eye defects that my son was born with" (Tiira, Busia)
"I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk. I'm already late I have some work to finish up in my garden. You must be new in this village. Here no one talks to me except strangers and those that are so so close to me" "Can I ask why people don't talk to you here?" "It all goes way back to when my co-wife and I had an argument. I said something to her out of anger and by coincidence it happened. I was shocked too. Since then she went around spreading rumours that am a bloody witch- In return people hated me" "What really happened?" *Walks away* "Oh please! I told you am already late just ask around"  (Budadiri, Sironko)
"One time while home alone, I picked up our neighbours bicycle and went riding around the village with it, It was fun. Little did I know I had caused myself a lot of trouble back home. I got home late with a flat tyre, I was nervous and scared to death that my mother was going to kill me. Instead she was excited to see me and told me of how the neighbour had reported a stolen bicycle to the local council" "What's best the piece of advice you ever got from your mother?" "My mother asked me never to steal or pick up someone's property without their permission and always admit my mistake"  (Makerere, Kampala)
"I remember my mom said to me, 'Always love and pray to God. Respect your parents and elders and your days on earth shall be joyful. Forgive all those that wrong and hurt you'" "Describe me a moment when someone hurt you?" "Before I got operated, I had this huge cancerous tumor in my left side of the cheek. I could hardly smile or speak, it affected my sight too. People in my community used to finger point at me and laugh, others called me names some didn't even want to associate with me. So I covered my face with a veil each time I moved around the neighbourhood depressed but left with no choice- I thank God the operation was successful as you can see the tumor was removed, I don't look like a monster anymore. Can't wait to have my dentures fixed too"  (Makerere, Kampala)