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"My mother died as soon as she gave birth to me. I did not get a chance to know her. They say she was a good loving lady. I was brought up by my elder siblings. My childhood was not good either as I was forced to to work in order to earn some money at an early age. I remember starting school at the age of 9, I was 5 years older than the whole class. I was the only kid with beards in my class, students and teachers regularly picked on me. It greatly affected my self esteem and concentration in class. Hence my bad grades- I almost dropped out"  (Kireku-Bweyogerere, Wakiso)
"I am trying to reconnect and get my family together. They're not in good terms with me. I recently held a wedding party and almost all my family members boycotted the ceremony. It was just my in laws that attended. I almost fainted. I am sorry to say this but my wedding ceremony has become the worst moment of my life. We had some issues way back and I thought they had forgotten and forgiven but I guess I was wrong- I still owe them an apology despite the many times I have cried and apologised"  (Sironko, Budadiri)
"I believe God created people like us to be in society for a reason. I am not a beggar. I am not a drunkard & I am not retarded either. We are all created in God's image, so young man don't feel so better off and superior than me because you're all dressed up. I am just following what the bible says "Ask and you shall be given, seek and you will find, Knock and it shall be opened for you"- I sought happiness and found it in booze, Can I have some five hundred shillings [500UGX]? I am not going to spend it on booze. I feel feverish" (Budadiri, Sironko)
"With my kind of job you raise and bring up a lot of children, take care of them like they are your own. Make them food, play with them, bathe them do all kinds of fun stuff with them. I remember a situation where this one kid got so used to me that she could not listen to anyone except me, we had tight bond. Not even her mom told her what to do. She shared a bed with me and called me her big sister. She's the only one that never made me feel like a house-maid. She made it so hard for me to quit as I kept extending time. I think that was the toughest decision I ever made- It made my heart bleed when I heard she cried for weeks when I left. Her mom called my phone several times asking me back. But I could not turn back I had made up my mind"  (Kirinya-Kavule, Wakiso)