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"I have moved a lot in my life, I have walked distances you can't even imagine. Sometimes people get shocked when they meet me again in a different area. And I'm glad they easily recognise me. I feel like God created me just to move about and help people. I have attended so many funerals not because I'm related to the bereaving families but because there's always free food. And I don't just eat their food but also provide labour. I help them with domestic work like collecting firewood, fetching water- People here think am retarded, I here them call me names because I smile a lot and I rarely talk" (Budadiri, Sironko)
"Me I drive ore from Namayingo in Busoga all the way to Busia because there in Namayingo the ore is too much and so are the crushers. But all the crushers are always occupied. For example as of yesterday I had been waiting for three days to have my ore crushed until I then decided to put it in my taxi and drive it all the way here in Tiira. I was born in Busia but then moved in to the taxi business, but then I switched back to mining because that is where the money is at the moment. The taxi which I use to drive the ore is mine, so no one can ask me why am carrying sacks of rocks in my taxi instead of people. (Tiira, Busia)
"For all the past years of my life, I have been working hard only to spend all my earnings on booze. It breaks my heart to see most of my childhood friends all successful and doing better than me. At the beginning of this year I told myself I was going to quit drinking after I realised it is the cause of all my problems- It has seemed hard to achieve so far because even when am broke my friends still buy me" "What is one of the problems drinking has caused you?" "One time I think I was drunk, they said I threatened to kill my mom. When she said I was a big man now and asked me to leave her home and get a job- I feel embarrassed even though I don't recollect the whole situation"  (Budadiri, Sironko)
"My biggest struggle right now, I'm still trying to take in my sister's death. It all happened so fast. We believe she was bewitched by her work friends. They were jealous because she had only just come and had already been promoted. As a family we were excited and happy for her but our joy never lasted long as she developed stomach complications, she later became mute could not speak or eat. She only smiled and nodded at whoever came to visit her" "What has your sister's death taught you?" "Alot! To never, ever trust a friend no matter how close & friendly they might be"  (Namayembe, Bugiri)